~ R E V I T I L I Z E OUR C O M M U N I T I E S ~
Honoring the beautiful traditions and cultures of the Indigenous People of Alaska on whose land we stand. We celebrate all the cultures of Alaska for their contribution to our rich heritage.
You are the Human Asset and we believe helping one... helps all.
No matter who you call family... we are all in this together.
1. Associate with social capital and economic development groups
2. Connections with local organizations
3. Federal and state programs
1. Front Yard Urban Gardens
2. Anti-Recidivism Infrastructure
3. Medical Clinic project technical assistance
1. Educate community on services and programs
2. Promote Alaska opportunities
3. Neighborhood policy changes
1. Rebuild physical infrastructure
2. Increase resident purchasing power
3. Rebuild the local economy
1. Provide community medical clinic
2. Tele-Health Trauma Therapy
3. Healthy Relationships Training
1. Anti-Recidivism program
2. Residential Youth Facilities
3. Family Dormitories
1. Workforce Infrastructure
2. Economic Well-Being Support
3. Repurpose local real estate
1. Community-Based Programs
2. Develop Digital Workforce
3. Increase Civic Engagement
1. Clearinghouse for Project Funding
2. Co-Location of Community Services
3. Embracing Intersectionality